
pnpm exec

在專案的範圍中執行 Shell 命令。

node_modules/.bin is added to the PATH, so pnpm exec allows executing commands of dependencies.


If you have Jest as a dependency of your project, there is no need to install Jest globally, just run it with pnpm exec:

pnpm exec jest

The exec part is actually optional when the command is not in conflict with a builtin pnpm command, so you may also just run:

pnpm jest


Any options for the exec command should be listed before the exec keyword. Options listed after the exec keyword are passed to the executed command.

正確範例, pnpm 將遞迴地執行:

pnpm -r exec jest

Bad, pnpm will not run recursively but jest will be executed with the -r option:

pnpm exec jest -r

--recursive, -r

在 workspace 的每個專案中都執行 shell 命令。

The name of the current package is available through the environment variable PNPM_PACKAGE_NAME.


Prune node_modules installations for all packages:

pnpm -r exec rm -rf node_modules

檢視所有套件的詳細資訊。 This should be used with the --shell-mode (or -c) option for the environment variable to work.

pnpm -rc exec pnpm view \$PNPM_PACKAGE_NAME


Do not hide prefix when running commands in parallel.

--resume-from <package_name>

Resume execution from a particular project. This can be useful if you are working with a large workspace and you want to restart a build at a particular project without running through all of the projects that precede it in the build order.


Completely disregard concurrency and topological sorting, running a given script immediately in all matching packages. This is the preferred flag for long-running processes over many packages, for instance, a lengthy build process.

--shell-mode, -c

Runs the command inside of a shell. Uses /bin/sh on UNIX and \cmd.exe on Windows.


Read about this option in the run command docs

--filter <package_selector>

Read more about filtering.