
pnpm exec

在项目范围内执行 shell 命令。

node_modules/.bin is added to the PATH, so pnpm exec allows executing commands of dependencies.


If you have Jest as a dependency of your project, there is no need to install Jest globally, just run it with pnpm exec:

pnpm exec jest

The exec part is actually optional when the command is not in conflict with a builtin pnpm command, so you may also just run:

pnpm jest


Any options for the exec command should be listed before the exec keyword. Options listed after the exec keyword are passed to the executed command.

好的做法。 pnpm 将以递归的方式运行。

pnpm -r exec jest

Bad, pnpm will not run recursively but jest will be executed with the -r option:

pnpm exec jest -r

--recursive, -r

在工作区的每个项目中执行 shell 命令。

The name of the current package is available through the environment variable PNPM_PACKAGE_NAME.


Prune node_modules installations for all packages:

pnpm -r exec rm -rf node_modules

查看所有包的包信息。 This should be used with the --shell-mode (or -c) option for the environment variable to work.

pnpm -rc exec pnpm view \$PNPM_PACKAGE_NAME


Do not hide prefix when running commands in parallel.

--resume-from <package_name>

从特定项目恢复执行。 如果您正在使用大型工作区,并且想要在不运行先前项目的情况下从特定项目重新启动构建,那么这可能非常有用。


Completely disregard concurrency and topological sorting, running a given script immediately in all matching packages. 这是个推荐的标志,用于在许多 packages上长时间运行的进程,例如冗长的构建进程。

--shell-mode, -c

在 shell 中运行该命令。 Uses /bin/sh on UNIX and \cmd.exe on Windows.


Read about this option in the run command docs

--filter <package_selector>

Read more about filtering.