
pnpm add <pkg>

安装软件包及其依赖的任何软件包。 默认情况下,任何新软件包都安装为生产依赖项。


pnpm add saxSave to dependencies
pnpm add -D saxSave to devDependencies
pnpm add -O saxSave to optionalDependencies
pnpm add -g sax Install package globally
pnpm add sax@nextInstall from the next tag
pnpm add sax@3.0.0Specify version 3.0.0


从 npm 安装

pnpm add package-name will install the latest version of package-name from the npm registry by default.

如果在 workspace 中执行,该命令将首先去检查这个 worksapce 中的其他项目是否已经使用了这个指定的包。 如果是的话,就使用这个包的版本范围来进行安装。


  • tag: pnpm add express@nightly
  • version: pnpm add express@1.0.0
  • version range: pnpm add express@2 react@">=0.1.0 <0.2.0"

从 workspace 安装

Note that when adding dependencies and working within a workspace, packages will be installed from the configured sources, depending on whether or not link-workspace-packages is set, and use of the workspace: range protocol.



  1. from a tarball file (.tar, .tar.gz, or .tgz)
  2. 本地目录


pnpm add ./package.tar.gz
pnpm add ./some-directory

When you install from a directory, a symlink will be created in the current project's node_modules, so it is the same as running pnpm link.

从远端安装 Tar 包

参数必须是一个可访问的 URL,"http://" 或者 "https://" 开头的。


pnpm add https://github.com/indexzero/forever/tarball/v0.5.6

从 git 安装

pnpm add <git remote url>

通过 git clone, 从 git 作者处安装包. 可以用协议准确的指定 git 作者 For example, pnpm add github:user/repo

您可以通过以下方式从 Git 安装:

  • latest commit from master: pnpm add kevva/is-positive
  • commit: pnpm add kevva/is-positive#97edff6f525f192a3f83cea1944765f769ae2678
  • branch: pnpm add kevva/is-positive#master
  • version range: pnpm add kevva/is-positive#semver:^2.0.0

You may also install just a subdirectory from a Git-hosted monorepo. 例如:

pnpm add myorg/repo#path:packages/foo

It is possible to combine multiple parameters by separating them with &. For instance, you can extend the above command by specifying which branch to fetch from:

pnpm add myorg/repo#path:packages/foo&next


--save-prod, -P

Install the specified packages as regular dependencies.

--save-dev, -D

Install the specified packages as devDependencies.

--save-optional, -O

Install the specified packages as optionalDependencies.

--save-exact, -E

保存的依赖会被指定为一个确切的版本, 而不是使用 pnpm 的默认 semver range operator 配置.


Using --save-peer will add one or more packages to peerDependencies and install them as dev dependencies.


Adding a new dependency to the root workspace package fails, unless the --ignore-workspace-root-check or -w flag is used.

For instance, pnpm add debug -w.

--global, -g



仅添加在 workspace 找到的依赖项.

--filter &lt;package_selector>

Read more about filtering.