
pnpm install


使用 pnpm install 來為專案安裝所有相依套件。

在 CI 環境中,如果 lockfile 存在但需要更新時,會使安裝失敗。

workspace 中,pnpm install 會安裝所有專案的相依套件。 如要停用此行為,請將 recursive-install 設為 false


pnpm i --offline僅從儲存區離線安裝套件
pnpm i --frozen-lockfile不更新 pnpm-lock.yaml
pnpm i --lockfile-only僅更新 pnpm-lock.yaml

Options for filtering dependencies

Without a lockfile, pnpm has to create one, and it must be consistent regardless of dependencies filtering, so running pnpm install --prod on a directory without a lockfile would still resolve the dev dependencies, and it would error if the resolution is unsuccessful. The only exception for this rule are link: dependencies.

Without --frozen-lockfile, pnpm will check for outdated information from file: dependencies, so running pnpm install --prod without --frozen-lockfile on an environment where the target of file: has been removed would error.

--prod, -P

  • 預設值:false
  • 型別:Boolean

If true, pnpm will not install any package listed in devDependencies and will remove those insofar they were already installed. If false, pnpm will install all packages listed in devDependencies and dependencies.

--dev, -D

Only devDependencies are installed and dependencies are removed insofar they were already installed.


optionalDependencies 未安裝。



Force reinstall dependencies: refetch packages modified in store, recreate a lockfile and/or modules directory created by a non-compatible version of pnpm. Install all optionalDependencies even they don't satisfy the current environment(cpu, os, arch).


  • 預設值:false
  • 型別:Boolean

此值為 true 時,pnpm 只使用儲存區中可用的套件。 如果在本機無法找到套件,則安裝會失敗。


  • 預設值:false
  • 型別:Boolean

此值為 true 時,將不檢查快取資料是否過時,但將從伺服器請求遺漏的資料。 若要強制啟用完全離線模式,請使用 --offline


Don't read or generate a pnpm-lock.yaml file.


  • 預設值:false
  • 型別:Boolean

使用此選項時,僅更新 pnpm-lock.yamlpackage.json。 不會對 node_modules 目錄寫入任何檔案。


自動修復損壞的 lockfile。


  • 預設值:
    • 非 CI:false
    • CI:當 lockfile 存在時為 true
  • 型別:Boolean

此值為 true 時,pnpm 不會產生 lockfile,並且在 lockfile 與清單不同步、需要更新,或 lockfile 不存在時,會使安裝失敗。

此設定值在 CI 環境中預設為 true。 用來偵測 CI 環境的程式碼如下:

exports.isCI = !!(
env.CI || // Travis CI, CircleCI, Cirrus CI, GitLab CI, Appveyor, CodeShip, dsari
env.BUILD_NUMBER || // Jenkins, TeamCity
env.RUN_ID || // TaskCluster, dsari
exports.name ||


Merge all git branch lockfiles. Read more about git branch lockfiles.


  • 預設值:
    • For TTY stdout: default
    • For non-TTY stdout: append-only
  • 類型:defaultappend-onlyndjsonsilent

Allows you to choose the reporter that will log debug info to the terminal about the installation progress.

  • silent - 不輸出紀錄至主控台,即使嚴重錯誤也一樣
  • default - 當 stdout 為 TTY 時的預設 reporter
  • append-only - 總是將輸出結果附加在尾端。 不會進行游標操作
  • ndjson -- 最詳盡的 reporter Prints all logs in ndjson format

If you want to change what type of information is printed, use the loglevel setting.


  • 預設值:false
  • 類型:Boolean

Deprecated feature

Starts a store server in the background. The store server will keep running after installation is done. To stop the store server, run pnpm server stop


  • 預設值:false
  • 型別:Boolean

Creates a flat node_modules structure, similar to that of npm or yarn. WARNING: This is highly discouraged.


  • 預設值:false
  • 類型:Boolean

Do not execute any scripts defined in the project package.json and its dependencies.

--filter <package_selector>


Filter currently does not work properly with v8 default config, you have to implicitly set dedupe-peer-dependents to false to have that work. For more info and progress please refer to #6300

Read more about filtering.


Re-runs resolution: useful for printing out peer dependency issues.