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Версия: 10.x

pnpm store

Управление хранилищем пакетов.



Проверяет наличие измененных пакетов в хранилище.

Возвращает код выхода 0, если содержимое пакета осталось таким же, каким оно было во время распаковки.


Functionally equivalent to pnpm add, except this adds new packages to the store directly without modifying any projects or files outside of the store.


Removes unreferenced packages from the store.

Unreferenced packages are packages that are not used by any projects on the system. Packages can become unreferenced after most installation operations, for instance when dependencies are made redundant.

For example, during pnpm install, package foo@1.0.0 is updated to foo@1.0.1. pnpm will keep foo@1.0.0 in the store, as it does not automatically remove packages. If package foo@1.0.0 is not used by any other project on the system, it becomes unreferenced. Running pnpm store prune would remove foo@1.0.0 from the store.

Running pnpm store prune is not harmful and has no side effects on your projects. If future installations require removed packages, pnpm will download them again.

It is best practice to run pnpm store prune occasionally to clean up the store, but not too frequently. Sometimes, unreferenced packages become required again. Это может произойти при переключении ветвей и установке старых зависимостей, в этом случае pnpm потребуется заново загрузить все удаленные пакеты, ненадолго замедляя процесс установки.

Please note that this command is prohibited when a store server is running.


Возвращает путь к активному каталогу хранилища.