

pnpm uses npm's configuration formats. 因此,您设置配置的方式应该与 npm 相同。 例如,

pnpm config set store-dir /path/to/.pnpm-store

如果没有配置 store ,那么pnpm 将自动在同一磁盘上创建 store。 If you need pnpm to work across multiple hard drives or filesystems, please read the FAQ.

此外,pnpm 使用与 npm 相同的配置进行安装。 如果您有一个私有源并且 npm 被配置使用它, pnpm 应该不需要额外的配置也能够授权请求。

In addition to those options, pnpm also allows you to use all parameters that are flags (for example --filter or --workspace-concurrency) as options:

workspace-concurrency = 1
filter = @my-scope/*

See the config command for more information.