
pnpm 部署

Deploy a package from a workspace. During deployment, the files of the deployed package are copied to the target directory. All dependencies of the deployed package, including dependencies from the workspace, are installed inside an isolated node_modules directory at the target directory. The target directory will contain a portable package that can be copied to a server and executed without additional steps.


pnpm --filter=<deployed project name> deploy <target directory>

如果您在部署前已建置專案,請一併使用 --prod 選項來略過 devDependencies 的安裝。

pnpm --filter=<deployed project name> --prod deploy <target directory>

使用於 Docker 映像中。 在您的 Monorepo 中組建完所有內容後,請在第二個使用 Monorepo 基本映像作為建置內容的影像中或在其他組建段中執行:

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.4

FROM workspace as pruned
RUN pnpm --filter <your package name> --prod deploy pruned

FROM node:18-alpine

ENV NODE_ENV=production

COPY --from=pruned /app/pruned .

ENTRYPOINT ["node", "index.js"]


--dev, -D

Only devDependencies are installed regardless of the NODE_ENV.


optionalDependencies 未安裝。

--prod, -P

Packages in devDependencies won't be installed.

--filter <package_selector>

Read more about filtering.


預設情況下,部署期間會複製專案中的所有檔案。 該專案的 package.json 可以包含一個「files」欄位來列出所有應被複製的檔案及目錄。