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Versione: 10.x


Gli alias consentono di installare pacchetti con nomi personalizzati.

Let's assume you use lodash all over your project. There is a bug in lodash that breaks your project. You have a fix but lodash won't merge it. Normally you would either install lodash from your fork directly (as a git-hosted dependency) or publish it with a different name. If you use the second solution you have to replace all the requires in your project with the new dependency name (require('lodash') => require('awesome-lodash')). Con gli alias, hai una terza opzione.

Publish a new package called awesome-lodash and install it using lodash as its alias:

pnpm add lodash@npm:awesome-lodash

Non sono necessarie modifiche al codice. All the requires of lodash will now resolve to awesome-lodash.

A volte vorrai usare due diverse versioni di un pacchetto nel tuo progetto. Facile:

pnpm add lodash1@npm:lodash@1
pnpm add lodash2@npm:lodash@2

Now you can require the first version of lodash via require('lodash1') and the second via require('lodash2').

Questo diventa ancora più potente se combinato con gli hook. Maybe you want to replace lodash with awesome-lodash in all the packages in node_modules. You can easily achieve that with the following .pnpmfile.cjs:

function readPackage(pkg) {
if (pkg.dependencies && pkg.dependencies.lodash) {
pkg.dependencies.lodash = 'npm:awesome-lodash@^1.0.0'
return pkg

module.exports = {
hooks: {