pnpm을 통해 프로덕션 환경에서 여러분의 패키지를 부트스트랩하는 두 가지 방법이 있습니다. 그 중 하나는 lockfile을 커밋하는 것입니다. Then, in your production
environment, run pnpm install
- this will build the dependency tree using the
lockfile, meaning the dependency versions will be consistent with how they were
when the lockfile was committed. 이는 의존성 트리가 여러 환경에서 지속되도록 하는 가장 효과적인 방법 (또한 가장 권장하는) 입니다.
The other method is to commit the lockfile AND copy the package store to your
production environment (you can change where with the store location option).
Then, you can run pnpm install --offline
and pnpm will use the packages from
the global store, so it will not make any requests to the registry. This is
recommended ONLY for environments where external access to the registry is
unavailable for whatever reason.