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Version: 10.x


Hay dos formas de iniciar su paquete en un entorno de producción con pnpm. Uno de ellos es hacer commit del archivo de bloqueo. Then, in your production environment, run pnpm install - this will build the dependency tree using the lockfile, meaning the dependency versions will be consistent with how they were when the lockfile was committed. Esta es la forma más efectiva (y la que recomendamos) para asegurar que sus persiste árbol de dependencias a través de entornos.

The other method is to commit the lockfile AND copy the package store to your production environment (you can change where with the store location option). Then, you can run pnpm install --offline and pnpm will use the packages from the global store, so it will not make any requests to the registry. This is recommended ONLY for environments where external access to the registry is unavailable for whatever reason.