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Version : 9.x


pnpm a un support intégré pour les monorepo (dépôts multi-package, dépôts multi-projets ou dépôts monolithiques). Vous pouvez créer un espace de travail pour unir plusieurs projets dans un seul référentiel.

A workspace must have a pnpm-workspace.yaml file in its root. A workspace also may have an .npmrc in its root.


If you are looking into monorepo management, you might also want to look into Bit. Bit utilise pnpm sous le capot mais automatise un tas de choses qui sont actuellement faites manuellement dans un espace de travail traditionnel géré par pnpm / npm / Yarn. There's an article about bit install that talks about it: Painless Monorepo Dependency Management with Bit.

Protocole d'espace de travail (workspace:)

Par défaut, pnpm liera les packages à partir de l'espace de travail si les packages disponibles correspondent aux plages déclarées. For instance, foo@1.0.0 is linked into bar if bar has "foo": "^1.0.0" in its dependencies and foo@1.0.0 is in the workspace. However, if bar has "foo": "2.0.0" in dependencies and foo@2.0.0 is not in the workspace, foo@2.0.0 will be installed from the registry. Ce comportement introduit une certaine incertitude .

Luckily, pnpm supports the workspace: protocol. Lorsque ce protocole est utilisé, pnpm refuse de résoudre autre chose qu’un package de l'espace de travail local. So, if you set "foo": "workspace:2.0.0", this time installation will fail because "foo@2.0.0" isn't present in the workspace.

This protocol is especially useful when the link-workspace-packages option is set to false. In that case, pnpm will only link packages from the workspace if the workspace: protocol is used.

Référencement des packages de l'espace de travail via des alias

Let's say you have a package in the workspace named foo. Usually, you would reference it as "foo": "workspace:*".

If you want to use a different alias, the following syntax will work too: "bar": "workspace:foo@*".

Avant la publication, les alias sont convertis en dépendances alliacées standards. The above example will become: "bar": "npm:foo@1.0.0".

Référencement des packages de l'espace de travail via leur chemin relatif

In a workspace with 2 packages:

+ packages
+ foo
+ bar

bar may have foo in its dependencies declared as "foo": "workspace:../foo". Before publishing, these specs are converted to regular version specs supported by all package managers.

Publishing workspace packages

When a workspace package is packed into an archive (whether it's through pnpm pack or one of the publish commands like pnpm publish), we dynamically replace any workspace: dependency by:

  • The corresponding version in the target workspace (if you use workspace:*, workspace:~, or workspace:^)
  • The associated semver range (for any other range type)

So for example, if we have foo, bar, qar, zoo in the workspace and they all are at version 1.5.0, the following:

"dependencies": {
"foo": "workspace:*",
"bar": "workspace:~",
"qar": "workspace:^",
"zoo": "workspace:^1.5.0"

Will be transformed into:

"dependencies": {
"foo": "1.5.0",
"bar": "~1.5.0",
"qar": "^1.5.0",
"zoo": "^1.5.0"

This feature allows you to depend on your local workspace packages while still being able to publish the resulting packages to the remote registry without needing intermediary publish steps - your consumers will be able to use your published workspaces as any other package, still benefitting from the guarantees semver offers.

Release workflow

Versioning packages inside a workspace is a complex task and pnpm currently does not provide a built-in solution for it. However, there are 2 well tested tools that handle versioning and support pnpm:

For how to set up a repository using Rush, read this page.

For using Changesets with pnpm, read this guide.


pnpm ne peut garantir que les scripts seront exécutés en ordre topologique s'il existe des cycles entre les dépendances de l'espace de travail. Si pnpm détecte les dépendances cycliques pendant l'installation, il génère un avertissement. Si pnpm est capable de savoir quelles dépendances causent les cycles, elle les affichera aussi.

If you see the message There are cyclic workspace dependencies, please inspect workspace dependencies declared in dependencies, optionalDependencies and devDependencies.

Exemples d'utilisation

Voici quelques-uns des projets open source les plus populaires qui utilisent la fonction d'espace de travail de pnpm :

ProjectStarsMigration dateMigration commit
Material UI2024-01-03a1263e3e5ef8d840252b4857f85b33caa99f471d
Vue 3.02021-10-0961c5fbd3e35152f5f32e95bf04d3ee083414cecb
Element Plus2021-09-23f9e192535ff74d1443f1d9e0c5394fad10428629
Rollup plugins2021-09-2153fb18c0c2852598200c547a0b1d745d15b5b487